The Process, Covid & Cancellation šŸ’€

The process...

I’d known for years, probably 12 years, that one day would have my boobs done! And in January 2020 I made the first step to my dream becoming a reality.

It’s not as easy as waking up one day and thinking...I’m gonna book a boob job! This had to be right, I wanted to feel comfortable, confident and safe.

I looked into a few surgeons and companies & none of the others compared to New Hall! I researched the procedure and different surgeons and once I was happy, I booked a consultation with my chosen surgeon.

Dr. Masood, my surgeon asked me all the relevant questions, what look I wanted to achieve, spoke me through breast surgery procedures, pro’s and con’s of surgery and then he asked me to step into the side room remove my upper wear and my bra whilst he fetched a female chaperone. 

I’m just stood in a room, tits out, waiting for him to come back, with a nurse so he can assess, measure and see what the best surgery was. 

I mean the bloke see’s boobs everyday, it’s his job, but I wanted to die! Not only have I got a surgeon poking, lifting and staring at my boobs, I’ve also got a nurse witnessing it.

(The only time my boobs come out is when I’ve had a few to many bevvys, the girls can vouch for that one!) 

Dr Masood, recommended that the best surgery for me was a Breast Lift and Reduction (I was two stone heavier back in January 2020 than I am now!) Which I agreed to, signed all paper work and was told that his secretary will be in contact in the next week to get a surgery date booked in.  

Was I happy with this? No, I felt so deflated when I left my consultation, my whole life I’ve dreamt of having a boob job that included implants, and I just didn’t think a lift and reduction would give me the look I wanted. But, he refused to use implants because my boobs were just too big. 

 And the way I looked at it was, anything would have been better than what I already had.

This did make me respect Dr Masood a lot more though. He could have agreed to putting in implants and taking another £1000+ off me, because that’s what I wanted, but he didn’t because it wasn’t right or in my best interests.

Fast forward a week and Dr Masoods secretary phoned me to get a surgery date booked in which was the 16th April 2020 and my pre-op appointment booked in 6 weeks prior to my surgery date. 

Fuck! It’s happening!!! 

By now ive got my head around the fact I’m not having implants and that I had about 15 weeks to be in the best shape of my life. I got myself a PT, training 5 times a week, eating clean and working my ass off, making childcare plans and rearranging my work diary trying to fit clients in before and after my surgery. 

Pre-Op Assessment.

5th March 2020, I turn up at new hall for my routine pre op appointment, (Two stone lighter than my consultation date back in January, JS) A day early! Who’s a knob head? I am!! Those of you who know me well, will know that I’m early for everything, but a day early kinda takes the piss. 

Anyway, New Hall were amazing and juggled a few things around to get me seen by the nurse so I didn’t have to come back the next day.

My Pre-Op appointment consisted of, bloods, blood pressure, weight, height, pulse, think that was it! But then I was over loaded with information, leaflets, what to do before surgery, what do do after surgery...Cut a long story short, I fainted! Well done keets! Good effort. 

I have no excuse as to why I fainted, i mean the room was boiling but I think I was just overwhelmed with all the information, just had about 100 pints of blood taken out my arm and I just needed some scran. 

What an absolute clown.

Covid -19 & Cancellation

My surgery is getting closer and closer, covid is becoming more and more and I was just selfishly praying my surgery would still go ahead...

BJ announced lockdown on 23rd March 2020. And my surgery date was 16th April 2020, Not looking promising is it?

On 26th March I had a phone call from Dr.Masoods secretary informing me that my surgery is no longer able to go ahead and no future dates can be booked. 


There was nothing me or anyone else could do about it, just had to suck it up, stay focused and just remember that my surgery will happen at a later date. 

For amazing one on one training, nutrition advice and an amazing PT, follow my girl on Facebook; 


Thank you for reading, Watch this space for my next blog which will go into raw and brutal details about my surgery. 

Love always 




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