My recovery from hell!

My recovery from hell. 

Fuck me, this really was the recovery from hell and back. I never ever imagined it would be like this. 

Let’s forget the morphine come down and general pain from having surgery, oh don’t forget getting Covid 5 days post op! Yes of course it’s going to be painful! Basically I had my tits cut off and sewn back on. 

Here goes…

Day 4 post op, 20th January.             

My first post op check, Kyle took me to my appointment, obviously I couldn’t drive and I struggled to get in and out the car, I couldn’t do my seat belt up and I was extremely drugged up on codine, liquid morphine and paracetamol! We arrived at new hall for my appointment. This appointment was to have my wounds cleaned and my dressings changed! The nurse called me straight into her treatment room and asked me to remove my upper wear! I was living in my post op bra and a zip up hoodie, even this was a struggle to get on and off myself! I led on the bed, boobs out and the nurse removed my dressings…I knew something wasn’t right! The nurses face said it all. 

‘Il just go and fetch another nurse for a second opinion’ 


None the wiser what on earth is going on with my tits, I got my phone out and took a tit selfie…holy fuck, I didn’t know if to be sick or cry!! If you don’t like gore, then don’t scroll down!! 

My right breast t-junction had split straight down the middle. I never said a word to the nurse when she come back, I was in shock, even more in shock that the nurse just redressed the wound and told me that ‘it’s all fine, slightly open but it will come together nicely’ 

Obviously, I’m no nurse…I trusted the professionals. 

(So here it is, day 4 post op)

The next day I tested positive for Covid, therefore all my aftercare stopped! I phoned new hall to inform them of my positive result and they freaked the fuck out basically! I’m sorry, Is what it is, I can’t do nothing about it! Didn’t exactly go looking to catch Covid did I? I followed all instructions given to me by new hall and isolated for 48 hours prior to my surgery and my Covid test come back negative. Couldn’t fucking write it could you. Anyway broad as it is long! Gotta get on with these things. 

I asked to speak to the lead nurse on shift so she could advise me what to do with my open wounds, in regards to cleaning it and redressing during my isolation period. I asked for a FaceTime/Skype call purely for some advice as I was in a lot of discomfort. This was not something they offered and told me that as soon as my isolation period was over they would see my in outpatients.

 Nice one! Cheers for your help guys! 

During my 10 day isolation my wound got worse and worse, I was on the phone to new hall outpatients nearly daily because I was in so much pain and wanted some professional advice. I’m very grateful that my mum although she had covid also and was feeling like shit she cleaned my wounds and redressed for me. 

Once my isolation was over I booked an appointment at new hall for the following day, I’m now 16 days post op and I’m in some serious pain! Once again; I was told that everything looked fine and that they would see me in 3 days time . 

3 days later; I attended another nurse appointment where I seen a nurse I hadn’t seen before, the nurse was absolutely horrified at the state of my wounds! She couldn’t believe I was left in such a state! All she kept saying was ‘I’m so sorry this is happening, it looks so raw’ she cleaned and dressed my wounds, removed some stitches that my body hadn’t dissolved and had been missed by previous nurses at past appointments and booked me in to see Mr Masood on 15th February. 

Mr Masood never turnt up to my pre arranged appointment with himself on 15th February! I was so upset I went home and phoned my GP as I had absolutely no idea what else to do! I was in fucking agony! Nearly 4 weeks post op and still having wound issues. 

All along I had been told by the staff at new hall that it definitely wasn’t infected. Although i had asked them to swab the area just to double check. 

My GP asked me to send her photos of the wound. She was disgusted and very concerned at the state of my breast and that I had been left like this! She confirmed that even by looking at photos she could see the wound was extremely infected and prescribed me antibiotics and told me that really new hall should be dealing with this first hand but she couldn’t leave me as it was! 

I continued to attend nurse appointments at new hall every 3 days for the next few weeks to have the area cleaned and redressed! 

Finally…10th March. 

7 weeks after my surgery. 

I was free from any open wounds. But left with the most horrendous scar. My boobs are nothing like I was promised and I hate them. 

I knew having a lift and implants wasn’t going to be an easy ride, but never in my life did I expect this.

After lots of tears, stress, phone calls and emails to and from the director of new hall explaining my concerns and how unhappy I was with my results, She booked me in with another surgeon for a second opinion. 

I had an appointment with Mr whitworth on 28th May for my second opinion. I was in his room, top off and tits out for all of 30 seconds when he confirmed that my surgery wasn’t right! 

‘Yep, I get where you’re coming from 100%’ 

I burst into tears when I heard this, finally someone has confirmed that it’s not right, I wasn’t being a fussy cow! It’s not right and he’s going to fix it for me. I couldn’t believe it! I was so so happy! 8 thousand pounds is a lot of money to spend to be unhappy with your results. 

I can honestly say I was happier with my boobs before my surgery than I am now, at-least before my surgery that’s what I was given, that’s what I was born with and that was my body! Whereas now, post surgery, they’re awful, they’re not perky, my scars are vile and they’re not even round!!

Roll on 13th September 2021 when Mr Whitworth will be redoing my surgery, He will repeat the ‘lift’ process and remove and revise all my scars.  

Boob job two pending. 


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